In Credit

By Michael Carrington

Here’s The Thing…Introducing your prospects to the concept of ‘Credit Repair’ as a service can be scary if you are not use to it. Selling the service can be even scarier, however if you know exactly what to do, say and how to communicate the benefits will change the dynamic from anxiety to explosive confidence.

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In Wealth

By Michael Carrington

In honor of Black History Month, I’d like to feature a couple of business powerhouses to share their experiences, wisdom, and advice. Here’s their advice…

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By Michael Carrington

You’ve sat down with your prospect, shared your story, and presented your opportunity, now what? How are you going to close so that you have the best chance of getting your prospect to sign up? Here are several bullet-proof ways to close…

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By Michael Carrington

People that don’t understand Network Marketing and still criticize it don’t matter. They will almost certainly stay in the outfield and never try to reach their full potential. You are one that matters…

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